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Love can only be on Paper
by Vandana Dheer

ISBN: 9788119927258
SKU: book33M
Pages: 195
Size: 5x8 inch
Category: Fiction
Language: English
Price (paperback): Rs.265 Rs.190
Price (ebook): Rs.95

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About Book

A love story which blossoms at every corner of India, but does all love stories have a happy ending or few also have a lesson for life? With high hope, Nikky ends up meeting Maddy and falls in love with him. She is ready to do anything that would make him happy. She would always tell him, "I have loved you so much that just to make your life a paradise, I'm willing to go through any pain even if it means living a life in hell!" In today's world one is willing to sacrifice all the happiness for the love, Nikky did the same. But does the changed Nikky get all she wanted?