Book Publisher in India

Contact Us to Publish Your Book in India

Use this online tool to estimate printing cost of your book as well as check royalty amounts. This calculator by default shows you the printing cost of Print on Demand (POD) Mode, change it to Stock Mode, if required.

Step 1 - Check Minimum Selling Price


Book Size:

Printing Mode:

Check Cost

Step 2 - Check Royalty

Enter MRP:

Check Royalty

100% Profit is given to authors as Royalty. Author copies cost is of black and white book. Royalty from Distributors (Amazon, Flipkart) are lower because of distribution commission. Above pricing are exclusive of govt. taxes.

About Printing Modes

Print on Demand (POD) option will not cost any investment in publication and will give you a highest printed International print quality paperback book that will look more professional but will cause you high printing cost and lower royalty amount because books are printed single book at a time using digital printing setup. The books will be sold on amazon and flipkart in higher price.

We also have an option of Stock based publishing, that is traditional model, it would cause you lower printing rates and high royalty amount but it will need you to invest in the form of 100 to 200 copies printing cost. There will also be monthly warehousing charges involved. The book will be printed on offset printing setup and will be relatively of less printing quality than the POD mode books but it will help you to reach wider audience with less price of books on amazon and flipkart. You may estimate the printing cost and royalty amount of both options and can publish with us using any one.